The tale of two ethical or unethical duplicate publications in one or more journals: Inclusion or exclusion decisions in a systematic review

5 min readJan 13, 2022
Detection of Duplicate Records Automatically by Machine

Funny game, publish or perish. It pushes people to cut the sausage into salami, co-submit to several journals, or co-publish in more than one journal.

During De-Duplication Stage

One of the information professionals found the same paper but in two different journals during de-duplication. Should we remove one of them as a duplicate?

What is a duplicate record? A duplicate bibliographic record in a systematic review context is a record that has as same as or very similar bibliographic information to another record among your search results or in your database. Bibliographic information is authors, publication year, the title of records, source/journal, volume, issues, page numbers, DOI, and so on. Since records in all databases are not always keeping their records up-to-date, a duplicate record is not always an exact match to…




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